TEHILLIM: Skver Rebbetzin in Urgent Need of Tefilos

By Rockland Daily Staff
This morning, the Skver Bes Din announced a special seder
for Tehillim within the Chassidus after the condition of the Skverer Rebbetzin
worsened, creating the need for immediate Tefilos Yisroel.
The Rebbetzin has suffered health complications over the last few years, which took a turn for the worse yesterday, resulting in the Rebbetzin being admitted as a patient at Mount Sinai Hospital.
All of Klal Yisroel is urged to daven as well for the
Rebbetzin’s complete and speedy recovery.
The name for Tehillim is Chaya Chana bas Leah Esther, Lirfuah Shleima among all those who are ill in Klal Yisroel.