Snapshot: Target Team Moves Homes off the Market in Monsey

By: Yitzy Fried
The Rockland community is growing by leaps and bounds, with young people moving in every day. This means many things—primarily an increase in the demand for real estate in Rockland County.
Lazer Farkas joined the Target Team, a division of Keller-Williams Realty, about seven years ago with a vision for filling this need; pairing Monsey families with homes that they feel great about, while assuring that the seller leaves his property feeling fairly compensated.
“When I got into the business, I began to realize that there’s a big void in the real estate market,” Lazer tells Rockland Daily. “We needed realtors who are 100% invested, not just with the goal of closing a deal, but with the intention of being there for all of the clients’ needs, finding them the property that is truly right for them—and bringing a youthful energy to the process. This is what, I feel, the Target Team has introduced to the Rockland market.”
“I had my own experience buying a home here, and my friends had theirs. I knew I had a niche in this market,” Lazer recalls.
But it was difficult at first. “It was a struggle to get my name out in a market where there were a number of very established realtors. In addition, I needed to sell my vision to the buyers and sellers that there’s a better way—and if not for my passion, I would have closed my business a long time ago.”
Asked what would most surprise our readers about his business, Lazer says: “It’s way harder to put together a deal than people might think.”
Covid hit the five years young business, and, “like everyone else, we thought that the real estate market—along with the entire economy—would go down the drain. But after a while, the reverse happened; business started booming like never before. Covid definitely changed the behavior of buyers. Everyone began to think differently about buying a home.
“The market will never be the same again,” Lazer said.
“80% of our business comes from repeat customers—and this is the greatest feedback that we could possibly receive,” Lazer says, “And there are a number of reasons for this.”
“We have structured the company to cater to every type of real estate, and to each area of Rockland County. We will always have someone who specializes in a particular market, intimately familiar with the homes and the prices of the area our client is interested in.”
Although each of our agents covers all of Rockland County—we will always send clients to the one who specializes in that neighborhood.”
In our years of doing this, we have found that there are two basic categories of buyers: investors and homeowners. They’re each looking for different things, from condos, to multi-family, to luxury homes—and we aim to cater to each niche,” Lazer says
“The message that I would say to all is, after seven years of doing this, I have never had an unhappy client, Baruch HaShem,” Lazer says. “And I attribute this to our team's desire to really understand our clients’ needs, and doing everything possible to satisfy them.”