Rockland Responds: Village of Wesley Hills Mayor Marshall Katz Responds to Question About Street Lights

In New City, I have seen that the yellow bulbs in the street lights were changed to LED, which is AMAZING.(It seems they either bought or rented the lights from O&R to be able to do this.) Why isn't Wesley Hills doing the same thing? LED's make it easier to see, especially on side streets where it's very dark in general and hard to see pedestrians, double-parked cars ANYTHING. Why is it even a question when this is an easy fix? Just CHANGE THE BULBS!
Local Who Doesn't Think It Takes That Many to Change a Light Bulb
Dear Local Who Doesn't Think It Takes That Many to Change a Light Bulb,
The Village of Wesley Hills finished converting all 309 of its street lights to LEDs in 2019 saving our residents more than $6,000.00 per year in energy costs. Any non-LED lamps you might have noticed in the vicinity of our Village might be on our border roads and belong to a neighboring municipality.
Best regards,
Marshall F. Katz
Mayor, Village of Wesley Hills
Co-Chair, Rockland County Conference of Mayors
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