Rockland Daily Today: Simchos and Celebration- 5 Shevet/ Jan 15

Son of Shulem Meir Freidman to the daughter of Yaakov Moshe Fochman, in Vilchovitz.
Son of Yoel Brach to the daughter of Eliezer Gertner, Ateres Chaya Sura.
Son of Yashia Lezer, at 10 Suzanne Dr. unit 201 Tomorrow Bris Serdeheli Shul.
Son Yicheskal Fisher, at 12 Vincent Rd. Tomorrow Bris Tuldes Avrum Yitzchok Shul.
Bar Mitzvah:
Son of Elimelach Nusin Lerner, Toshnod 2 Howard Dr.
To share your simchos and event for free, email [email protected]