NYS Jewish Gun Club to Conduct Active Shooter Response Seminar in Rockland County

By M. C. Millman
Rockland County's NYS Jewish Gun Club was created to unify Jewish gun owners by guiding, training, and advocating for gun owners. The organization consults with shuls, schools, and other organizations to improve their security. They also organize training sessions for individuals and organizations.
The Active Shooter Response Seminar will take place on Thursday, June 30, from 7 - 9 p.m. in Monsey. The evening will not be focused on firearms exclusively but will provide practical guidance from Rabbi Raziel Cohen, known as the Tactical Rabbi, on what to do if, chas v'sholom, one finds himself in an active shooter situation. During the two-hour seminar, attendees will learn how to react to survive. The evening is especially apropos for teachers, school staff, shul directors, and shul members. Separate seating will be available.
The seminar is one of many events provided by the NYS Jewish Gun Club. The Club, like other second amendment advocacy groups, has offered shooting range events and target and tactical training both locally and with nationally recognized training academies. Events also promote gun safety and training for those who bear arms to become comfortable with their guns and knowledgeable in best practices.
To register, RSVP to www.rebrand.ly/NYSJGCActive. The location will be shared after RSVPing. For more information, Whatsapp 347-228-2915 or email [email protected].