Monsey Chevrah Kadisha Is Mekadish Two New Areas of Bais Hachaim
By M.C. Millman
The Monsey Chevrah Kadisha was mekadash two new areas in the Bais Hachaim off of Brick Church Road.
The two areas were bought from Congregation Sons of Israel and were mekadash today on Taanis Ester. To prepare the sections, special tefilos and tehillim were said in the presence of a minyan and hakafos were made around the area after a day spent fasting.
While in the past, the Monsey Chevrah Kadisha used to designate areas to shuls, that is no longer the case, and the new sections can be purchased by individuals who go through an application process and meet the criteria of the Chevra Kadisha, such as the person being shomer Shabbos.