Monsey Achdus Learning Initiative Continues
Mindy Cohn
Last night, Ahavas Yitzchak held their third Monsey Achdus Learning Initiative as a zechus for acheinu kol Beis Yisroel.
The initiative began on Thursday, October 19, and will be continued on subsequent Thursday nights be"H.
Open to the entire community, last night's event began at the shul on Forshay at 8 p.m. with chavrusa learning and continued with an 8:45 p.m. shiur by Rabbi Ari Senter and 9 p.m. maariv.
Next week, Parshas Chayai Sarah, the same schedule applies, but with a shiur by Rav Ari Jacobson.
For more information or sponsorship, contact Binyamin Plotzker at 845- 538-6302. To join the email list, send an email to [email protected].