EXPANDED WEEKEND WEATHER: Snow and Ice to Affect Monsey Area Thursday and Friday

BY Yaker Biegeleisen
A slow-moving storm is coming into the Monsey area around 1:00 this afternoon. It will bring snow and ice all Thursday afternoon into the evening, changing over to rain until Friday afternoon.
Driving conditions will be messy, and drivers should use extreme caution on the road this afternoon and evening.
Temperatures will be in the low 40's during the day, dropping into the upper thirties at night.
As we get closer to Shabbos, conditions are expected to clear up.
Shabbos will see clear and sunny conditions, with temperatures dropping somewhat, ahead of an even colder week next week.
TRAVEL ALERT: Chaverim has issued an alert to travelers in and around the Monsey area to be cautious on the roads and suggests that those traveling before Shabbos should make sure to leave themselves ample time to arrive at their destination.
Yaker Biegeleisen is Rockland Daily's weather and nature reporter.