By Idy Perl
The highly-anticipated Yiddish play, which has captivated audiences worldwide, is set to take the stage this Chol Hamoed Sukkos. With preparations in full swing and the play’s title still under wraps, children and teenagers alike are eagerly awaiting the grand reveal.
Led by Steinhaus Productions, Interen Chavraya is renowned for producing top-tier Yiddish-language plays. With meticulously researched storylines, authentic costumes, and cutting-edge technology, these productions keep viewers on the edge of their seats throughout the performance.
Rumors of a new play coming Chol Hamoed Sukkos have been circulating for some time. These whispers were finally confirmed this past Wednesday during a grand unveiling at HCS’s Camp Oros. Campers and counselors alike were thrilled to learn that their favorite entertainment is set to return soon.
HCS, a long-standing sponsor of Interen Chavraya, recently unveiled the newly-built HCS Resort in Upstate New York, offering all their services in one beautiful, nature-surrounded location.
And now, without further ado, we present:
A dramatic journey through time, brought to life by Shlome Steinmetz and Lazer Neuhausz, and performed by the most talented actors of our time. Prepare to be amazed by an action-packed experience like no other.
Additionally, Interen Chavraya announced that Chol Hamoed Pesach will feature another grand production: a special play celebrating 20 years since the founding of Interen Chavraya, now a household name worldwide. The producers are hard at work planning what promises to be the most epic Intern play ever. As for the title of this upcoming production—well, you’ll have to wait and see.