BDE: Rav Moshe Burech Weiss, z”l, Menahel of No’am Elimelech.

BDE: Rav Moshe Burech Weiss, z”l, Menahel of No’am Elimelech.

By: Rockland Daily Staff 

We are saddened to inform you of the passing of Rav Weiss, z”l, a marbitz Torah who shaped thousands of talmidim in Monsey’s Yeshiva No’am Elimelech, and is remembered for his insight and indelible impact on his talmidim. He was 86. 

The niftar was a close talmid of the Imrei Chaim of Viznitz, and was a great talmid chochom. 

In 1997, he came to Monsey and assumed the leadership of the yeshiva—a career that spanned decades, into his eighties. He was known as a brilliant person, in many areas of life—and he would share much of his wisdom and insights with the bachurim. He loved to schmooze with the bachurim. 

He was a firm leader, and demanded a lot from the bachurim—placing very high standards and expectations. But his talmidim all knew that he was a yerei Shomayim who practiced every word of what he preached. “The Shulchan Aruch was his blueprint,” recalled a talmid. “If you quoted the shulchan aruch, you could get away with a lot...” 

The niftar leaves behind beautiful generations, and a legacy of harbotzas Torah, with thousands of talmidim who will remember him for many years to come. 

The Levaya will take place at 5:00pm in front of the yeshiva building, 100 South Central Avenue, and at 6:30pm in the Kiryas Yoel Cemetery.

Yehi zichro baruch 

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