BDE: Mrs. Esther Taubenfeld, a”h
by Yitzy Fried
We regret to inform you of the passing of Mrs. Taubenfeld of New Square. She was in her 90’s, and had survived the Holocaust.
The nifteres was born in Gura Humorului, Romania, and was the daughter of Reb Yaakov Yida Apter, an ardent Boyaner chossid and yerei Shomayim.
The Apter family found themselves in Bucharest during the war, and it was there that they became close to the Skverer Rebbe, zt”l. A story that illustrates the esteem that the Skverer Rebbe held the nifteres and her family:
It is known that the Rebbe fiercely guarded the apple of his eye, the current Skverer Rebbe, his only son. Once, he noticed that a young girl was holding the little boy, and immediately asked who she is. When he was told that she was from the Apter family, he said, “If so, it is fine.”
The nifteres married Reb Lipa Taubenfeld, and together they established a beautiful Torah family within the Skverer chassidus.
She passed away Monday afternoon, and the Levaya took place Monday evening in New Square.
Yehi zichra baruch.