BDE: Mrs. Beila Friedman (Kezelnick), a”h

By: Rockland Daily staff
We regret to inform you of the passing of Mrs. Beila Friedman (Kezelnick) of Boro Park. She was 95 years of age, and had survived the Holocaust.
She was born Born in Sighet to her father, Reb Zeida Akiva Drummer, a son-in-law of Rav Shmuel Shmelka Kezelnick, the Rizvolye Ruv. The Kezelnicks were ardent Viznitzer chassidim for generations, going back to the Tzemach Tzaddik of Viznitz.
In the war, she lost much of her family, while she suffered in the camps. But she emerged with ironclad emunah, determined to rebuild.
Following the war she married her cousin, Reb Duvid Kezelnick, also a grandchild of the Rizvolya Ruv, and they settled in Montreal where their home was one saturated with chessed and tzeddokoh. She was the head of Rav Meir Baal Hanes ladies auxiliary, and hosted the office of the tzedokoh of Rav Meir Ba’al Hanes at no charge. In general, she was involved in many chessed endeavors, and was an extremely beloved matriarch to her entire family.
Around twenty years ago, her husband was niftar, and she remarried Reb Berel Friedman, the Rosh Hakohol of Satmar, who passed away ten years ago.
The levaya will take place at the Viznitzer Beis Medrash on New Utrecht Avenue and 53rd Street at 8:30, and at the Viznitzer Beis Medrash on Phyllis terrace at 10:30, and she will be laid to rest on the Viznitzer Beis Hachaim.
Yehi zichra baruch.