BDE: Hayeled Chaim Meir Miller, z”l

Yitzy Fried
Monsey residents joined today in tears at the levaye of hayeled Chaim Meir Miller of Montreal. He was 11 years of age.
Chaim Meir was the son of ybl”ch, Reb Shraga Shmuel Miller, a legendary askan for Bonei Olam and other organizations and an address for everyone in need. Chaim Meir is a grandson of the famous Harav Yankel Miller, Yarma Rov and longtime badchin.
Chaim Meir collapsed over Shabbos a few weeks ago from complications of an infection. Hatzolah of Montreal did all they could to revive him, but alas, they were unsuccessful, and this Shabbos, he returned his neshama to its Maker, leaving family and friends in shock and sadness.
The levaya took place this morning outside the Viznitzer Beis Medrash in Monsey.
Yehi zichro baruch.