A New Cycle of Chesed - Introducing Yedidim of Rockland's Bike Repair Team

A New Cycle of Chesed - Introducing Yedidim of Rockland's Bike Repair Team

By M.C. Millman 

Yedidim, Rockland's newest chesed organization focused on bike repairs, was founded just a month ago by fifteen-year-old Nechemia Erps. 

Coming from the home of Rabbi Shaya Erps, who founded the worldwide organization of Chaverim in Monsey twenty-four years ago, it is no surprise that this innovative chesed organization is not only founded by his son but also wildly popular. 

The fifteen teen volunteers make their way from call to call on their bikes. The most frequent task requested is for changing tubes in flat tires. The most common bike tubes are stocked for the volunteers. Payment is required for the cost of the tube, but the service is completely free. Volunteers also regularly deal with repairs for bike chains, brakes, and speed problems.

Nechemia is self-taught in his chosen chesed field and learned his very much sought-after skills over the years he operated Bicycles of Gibs from home. After four years of running his business, Nechemia decided to change gears and go into chesed while staying with bikes, launching Yedidim last month.

The volunteers undergo basic training and have board meetings as well as weekly meetings every Motzei Shabbos, where, with Nechemia as coordinator, they discuss how the week went and bring up any questions that might have cropped up or suggestions on how to improve their service. 

Yedidim has grown from ten to twenty calls a week to forty to fifty calls a week, only a few weeks since launching. Given the boys limited time, as the repairs are only done after yeshiva and camp are over, the group is eager to expand and welcome more volunteers. 

"The boys are overwhelmed by the need in the community - all in a good way,"  one of the four men who advises the burgeoning chesed organization shares with Rockland Daily. "And we're here to make sure it grows in a good way as well. 

To request a repair or to join Yedidim's corps of chesed bike repair volunteers, call 845-540-3766.

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