Rockland Today: Simchos and Celebrations - Tuesday, 22 Kislav / Dec. 5

Son of Yisroel Shimon Richard with the daughter or Levi Rosenberg, in Vilchovitz.
Son of Yakov Duvid Perlman with the daughter of Shmiel Yoel Berger, in Ateres Chaya Sarah.
Son of Naftule Schwartz with the daughter of Mordche Duvid Framowitz, in Ateres Charna.
Bar Mitzahs:
Son of Rav Avrum Shimon Reich, in Hamaspik.
Son of Rav Yoev Moshe Adler, in Inzlicht hall.
Son of Yoel Weberman with the daughter of Meir Moshe Yakobowitz, in Shoppers Haven.
Son of Yisroel Shimon Rosenberg with the daughter of Duvid Adler, in Ateres Yechiel.