H.E.R.R.O. College Tuition Program - Rockland County's Newest Incentive Launched to Benefit Emergency Personnel

H.E.R.R.O. College Tuition Program - Rockland County's Newest Incentive Launched to Benefit Emergency Personnel

by M.C. Millman

Rockland County has launched an innovative tuition reimbursement program to help volunteer fire departments and E.M.S. agencies recruit and retain more local heroes.

The Higher Education Recruitment and Retention Opportunity, H.E.R.R.O. program follows closely on the heels of the new tax credit initiative also offered as a way of expressing gratitude to local first responders and encouraging recruitment, as reported by Rockland Daily here. 

It is hoped that the H.E.R.R.O. College Tuition program will bolster volunteer ranks by providing active volunteer emergency services personnel with tuition reimbursement or student loan repayment assistance of up to $6,000 annually towards tuition in exchange for their service to the County.

To be eligible, a H.E.R.R.O. applicant must be an active member for at least a year of a volunteer fire department, fire company, fire district, or E.M.S. agency and maintain acceptable volunteer activity and training levels as set forth by the County during their entire course of study. 

The incentive is another way of attracting volunteers when it is especially challenging for these critical agencies to recruit enough volunteers to fill the ever-growing first responder roles throughout the community. 

The Fire & Emergency page, which can be found here, will have more information on Rockland's H.E.R.R.O. Program.

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