Dial-A-Rebbe for Free Homework Help

by M. C. Millman
The Dial-a-Rebbe hotline initiative that began less than a year ago has gained tremendous popularity and introduced new and innovative features in time for the new school year.
The dial-in number began as a way for boys with homework questions to call the Shoel U'meishiv Helpline and get answers from qualified Rebbes.
"Tutoring is essential for the development of many young bachurim," explains Rabbi Yaakov Moshe Resnick, founder of Success! Tutoring Agency and the Dial-a-Rebbi Hotline. "Some need it because they can't keep up in yeshivah; others just need the extra attention. Other times, the father is not familiar with the material or is not home to learn with his son. This program provides an easy way to get answers. It minimizes friction and encourages kids to ask questions while guiding them to the correct answers."
Calls to the hotline come in from all over the United States, including Rockland, Brooklyn, Lakewood, LA, Houston, Miami, Chicago, Detroit, and Cleveland where the program originated with as many as 50 calls per night.
Even though the official call hours are between 6:30 and 9:30 p.m., the line is open at other times, as well If one of the meishivim is available, he will pick up the phone and answer the question.
New additions to the program include the brand new girls' hotline.
Respondents for girls seeking answers include Rebbetzin Shoshana Klarr, a longtime high school teacher in Yavneh; Rebbetzin Newhouse of Nefesh High School and Camp Bais Yaakov; and Mrs. Nechy Rhine, a veteran high school teacher. Callers can ask about hashkafah, and halachah. Halachic questions are handled by the Bais Hora'ah of Flatbush, under the leadership of the Rosh Av Bais Din, Rav Tzvi Spira.
A halacha line has also been added for boys on top of the learning line they were using previously.
The system works with one of the carefully vetted rebbeim or morahs being on call for the night - and at least eight others waiting on backup, so callers don't get frustrated waiting. If the wait is going to take over five minutes, the callers have the option to leave a message for a callback.
The rebbes and morahs who take the calls come from Monsey, Los Angeles, Lakewood, Cleveland, and Flatbush. Each call is recorded for safety purposes.
Endorsed by Torah Umesorah and leading mechanchim, the program is sponsored by Rockland's Care 365 and SBV Workforce Management to demonstrate appreciation to the Rockland community for its support.
Boys can call 856-40-Rebbi or 845-Q4-REBBI for questions in limudie kodesh. Girls can call 845-82-GIRLS.