BDE: Hayalda Chaya Rochel Gross, a”h

We deeply regret to inform you of the passing of Hayalda Chaya Rochel Gross of Monsey. She was twelve years of age and had suffered tremendously in her young life.
The nifteres was the daughter of Reb Yaakov Gross, the proprietor of Mehudar Seforim store in Satmar Beis Medrash on Monsey Boulevard.
The nifteres was diagnosed with a bitter disease as a young child, and dealt with the ravages of the disease for until her passing this morning.
The family accepted this tremendous nisayon with exceptional fortitude and emunah in Hashem which inspired everyone who knew them.
The levaya took place earlier today in Monsey. Kevurah was at Har Shulem
Yehi zichra Baruch.