Rockland Today: Simchos and Celebration- Thursday 27 Adar/ March 7

Son of Admar Mskver Greenvill to the daughter of Harav Eliezer Hirschler, in Ateres Charna.
Son of Shimshon Yoel Soloman to the daughter of Zalmon Leib Dontziger, in Vilchovitz.
Son of Harav Chaim Mayer Hagger to the daughter of Harav Dovid Duv Hagger, in Vishnitz Shul, 25 Phyllis Ter.
Bar Mitzvah:
Son of Dovid Yosef Mayer Pinkos, in Ateres Ziknim 6 Hana Ln.
Son of Moshe Mordcha Stonger, at 6 Hana Ln. Tomorrow Bris at Vishnitz Shul.
Son of Mordcha Bick, at 16 Edwin Ln.
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