Rockland Today: Simchos and Celebration- Monday 1 Adar II/March 11

Son of Yisroal Derbormdiger to the daughter of Shloima Nusentzweig, in Ateres Charna.
Son of Yicheskal Shraga Shmial Lebowitz to the daughter of Rivon Yoel Shimon Mesinger, in Ateres Chaya Sura.
Son of Yom Tov Shual Stien to the daughter of Yitzchok Klitnick, in Vilchovitz.
Son of Yachial Alter Rosenberg to the daughter of Yissocher Duv Levin, in Tferes Elka.
Son of Yaakov Yosef Einhorn to the daughter of Yoel Tzvi Zavner, Avir Yaakov-Skver.
Son of Avrum Yitzchok Holtzler to the daughter of Zalmon Yirchmol Gardan, in Ateres Freida- Skver.
Son of Pinchos Kohn to the daughter of Tzvi Peretz Bodentzki, in Shlezinger 33 Union Rd.
Bar Mitzvah:
Son of Yosef Meir Kaff, in Bobiv 230 Viola Rd.
Son of Benyomin Pinchos Weinberger, in Tertzal 15 Cedar Lane.
Son of Rafual Aharon Silberman, in Stulin.
Son of Rivon Weiss, in 20 Ashel Ln.
Son of Nucham Tzvi Teitelbaum, at 32 Phyllis Unit 301, Tomorrow Bris in Krola Shul.
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