Rockland Responds: Town of Ramapo Supervisor Michael Specht Responds to Request for Traffic Light at 18 Forshay Road
Another day, another accident in front of 18 Forshay Road. This is a busy area with pedestrians and cars creating constant traffic and dangerous situations, as this past Sunday proved when, yet again, two vehicles collided in front of the Beis Medrash Ohr Chaim, and the traffic is only getting worse.
We do not want to wait for an actual tragedy before the outcry becomes strong enough for the Town to listen to us and put a traffic light there for the safety of pedestrians and drivers.
What can we do to facilitate this life-preserving measure?
Thank you,
18 Forshay Friend
Dear Forshay Friend,
Forshay is a county road, but in order to improve safety, we have asked our traffic consultant to look into what can be done. Once complete, we will move to request that the County accept our report, and we and the administration of 18 Forshay will work together to mitigate the problem. We are very concerned as well, and we recently met with the County Executive and Highway Superintendent to come up with an appropriate permit for the Town to move forward with lifesaving measures here and on many other county roads, including those that are in Villages. By working together, the Town, County, and all of our villages can accomplish so much on behalf of our residents.
Michael Specht, Town of Ramapo Supervisor
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