Rockland Daily Today: Simchos and Celebration- 6 Shevat/ Jan. 16
Son of Dovid Leiberman to the daughter of Chaim Wertzberger, in Voly Teres.
Son of Moshe Avrum Roizna to the daughter of Avrum Meir Perlman, in VIlchovitz.
Son of Yissoscher Berish Gefen to the daughter of Menachem Tzvi Neiman, Ateres Chaya Sura.
Son of Efruim Betzalel Heimfeld to the daughter of Yitzchok Meir Weisberger, in Toshnod.
Son of Shmial Eliezer Arya Landau, at 6 Jeffrey Pl.
Son of Yaakov Levi, at 12 Gwen Lane.
Bar Mitzvah:
Son of Yoel Yunger, in Daskal.
Son of Pinchos Shnebolg, Vishnitz.
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