Photo Gallery: The Skvere Rebbe’s ‘Yerushas Avosai’ Event Showcasing Sacred Yerusha Chafeitzim

By Y.M. Lowy
Recently, generous donors came together to witness the remarkable Yerusha Chafeitzim preserved by the Skvere Rebbe, Shlita, from previous tzaddikim.
As the construction of the new Skvere Beis Medrash progressed, additional support for the building fund became essential. A special evening was organized for contributors who pledged $26,000. The Rebbe possesses a rare collection of sacred seforim, cheftzei mitzvah, holy objects, and historic letters, which are securely stored in his home vault and revealed annually to select students during Pesach.
The grand event, "Yerushas Avosai," took place on Sunday, Parshas Shemos, in New Jersey. During the gathering, the Rebbe showcased 45 heilige keilim he received as a yerusha, sharing their fascinating histories while displaying the items on a giant screen. Attendees then got to greet the Rebbe personally and receive a special gift.
Among the cherished items were the tefillin of the Degel Machaneh Ephraim, with parshiyos from the esteemed Baal Shem Tov; a handwritten ksav yad kodesh from Rebbe Gershon Kittover; and a Mishnayis Seder Moed that belonged to the Maor Einayim. Attendees also marveled at a handwritten letter from Rebbe Aharon of Chornobyl, the first print of the Sefer Toldos Yaakov Yosef, and a volume of the Shulchan Aruch formerly owned by the Chida.
Other notable artifacts included a coin engraved with the image of Rebbe Moshe Rokeach of Belz, the golden Kapel once worn by Rebbe Itzik’l of Skvere and a Megillas Esther used by Rebbe Dovid’l of Skvere. Artwork painted by Rebbe Motele of Rachmastrivka, along with a tallis Kapel, esrog box, and silver lighter of Rebbe Yochanan of Rachmastrivka, added to the richness of the display.
Additionally, two pillowcases from the Chornobyl Maggid, an esrog box belonging to Rebbe Menachem Mendel of Belz, and a silver mezuzah holder from the Ruzhiner Rebbe were showcased. Attendees also saw the shtreimel of Rebbe Velvel of Rachmastrivka, along with the shtreimel that the previous Skvere Rebbe received as a wedding gift from the Belzer Rebbe, Rebbe Yisachar Dov. Lastly, the white kaftan of Rebbe Zusha of Anipoli and the stick of the Chornobyl Maggid rounded out this awe-inspiring exhibition.
Each of these klei kodesh carries a legacy of avodas Hashem and mesorah, inspiring all who attended this remarkable display.