Monsey Menahalim Issue Alert to Parents on Potential Dangers of Car Service Transportation
by Yitzy Fried
An issue that has been boiling beneath the surface in Monsey communities (and in other communities as well) is being brought to the fore by askonim and mechanchim, and today they are publicly alerting the community about some extremely inappropriate—and sometimes dangerous and predatory—behavior of car service drivers transporting unassuming passengers.
These episodes have played out over the last couple of years, especially as the community has expanded to quieter areas, and the use of car service transportation by women and children has gone up.
What sparked the recent outcry has been episodes in which drivers have shown children extremely harmful material on smartphones.
A message went out to parents from a menahel in Monsey, imploring them to bring awareness to their children about these dangers. “The children must be educated that if a driver offers to show them a smartphone—or even becomes overly friendly—it can be very unsafe for them,” he said.
The menahel noted that other principals in Monsey are likewise aware of this problem, and are bringing awareness to their parents about this crucial issue.