Historic Hachnoses Sefer Torah In Ratzfert

Historic Hachnoses Sefer Torah In Ratzfert

A historic Hachnoses Sefer Torah ceremony took place before Yom Kippur in Ratzfert, Hungary, with a large crowd of hundreds of Yidden from all corners of the world. The Hachnoses Sefer Torah took place on the yahrzeit of Rebbe Naftali Hertzka of Ratzfert, who passed away on Erev Yom Kippur in 1897. 

Rebbe Hertzkele Ratzferter was born in 1824 and learned under many great tzaddikim before moving to Ratzfert, where he became known as the Ratzferte Rebbe. Thousands of Yidden from around the world flocked to him, and there are many miraculous stories that are attributed to his powerful brachahs. 

The place where he is buried is referred to as the Chatzar Hayeshuas, as countless Yidden have seen open miracles in matters of health, parnassah, and especially with shidduchim, after davening at his kever.

Two years ago Reb Chaim Avraham Brach took upon himself to donate a Torah to the Ratzferter Beis Midrash, which is located near the kever. These days Ratzfert has hachnoses orchim accommodations all year round to welcome visiting chassidim. Upon the completion of the Torah, the ceremony was scheduled for the Wednesday before Yom Kippur.

The event was celebrated with spirited dancing and singing, and a new song for the words “Keha zchus avos yagen aleinu” was debuted in honor of the event. Reb Chaim Avraham Brach delivered a few words to thank Hashem for giving him the zechus to be able to donate a sefer Torah. 

Hundreds of participants were in Ratzfert over Yom Kippur, where they stormed the heavens and davened for yeshuahos for the entire Klal Yisroel. Yom Tov concluded with a big seuda and more singing and dancing, and the chassidim left the following day inspired and confident that their tefillos had been answered. 

Photo Gallery: Sukkahs in Nikolsburg
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