Faced With Delays, Skver Rebbe Davens Mincha at Gas Station

Faced With Delays, Skver Rebbe Davens Mincha at Gas Station

By Rockland Daily Staff

The Skver’er rebbe, Shlit”a, who was in Manhattan on Wednesday afternoon, had to make an emergency stop on the Route 4 as the Zman for Mincha was getting closer and heavy traffic has befallen the roadways due to the weekend holiday.

The Rebbe and a small entourage stopped at the Snaxit kosher store on the Route 4, at around 5:20pm, and a small group of chasidim joined as well to have Minyan at the location.

The store owner, a Skver chosid, closed the shop so the Rebbe can Daven with the minyan in a quiet and calm place.

Following the Davening, the Rebbe thanked the store owner and the Mispalelim for assisting in creating the Minyan.

Photo Gallery: Sheva Bruches in Courts of Rachmestrivkah, Beis Ahron and Barniv in the Rachmestrivkah Spring Valley Shul
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