Camp Fun Thanks Local Electeds During Visit From Senator Weber and Ramapo Supervisor

by M.C. Millman
In what is shaping up to be an annual tradition, Senator Bill Weber and Ramapo Town Supervisor Michael Specht, along with Legislator Aron Wieder visited Camp Fun this morning.
The visitors were greeted Camp Fun style with an impressive motorcade parade. The campers lined up along the side of the road, waving enthusiastically to the beat of the national anthem, which played over camp speakers.
Senator Weber was invited by Director Menny Schwab who sets an example to his campers of making it a priority to express hakaras hatov.
"Always make a kiddush Hashem," Schwab shares his motto with Rockland Daily, "and always express hakaras hatov."
Senator Weber was thanked for his office's active involvement in helping Camp Fun overcome the challenge of finding an appropriate location for the camp for the second year in a row.
The director also thanked Ramapo Town Supervisor Specht and Town of Ramapo Chief of Staff Mona Montal, along with the Ramapo Police Department.
"We always need to be grateful to our elected officials at all levels of government," Schwab expounded.
Hakaras hatov is a two-way street, as proven by Senator Weber, who invited Schwab to deliver the invocation at the NYS Senate on Tuesday, January 30.
"I had a wonderful time visiting Camp Fun today," Supervisor Specht expresses his hakaras hatov as well. "The motorcade was a lot of fun, but the best part was seeing the kids and the warmth, joy and patriotic spirit of the campers and staff, from proudly waving the US flag to the playing of the national anthem as we entered. Camp Fun lives up to its name. Thank you, Menny Schwab and the entire camp for this amazing program."