BDE: R' Reuven Volf Schreiber a"h

By Rockland Daily Staff
We regret to inform you of the passing R' Reuven Volf Schreiber a"h at age 76.
R' Reuven Volf was the son of R' Shaya Yakov and Hudis Schreiber a"h.
He lived in Monsey for over 40 years and was well-known for his bungalow colony in the Catskills, affectionately called "Schreibers Country."
Beloved by all, he was always seen with a smile and a loving character. He was known for his joyfulness and his efforts to bring happiness to those around him.
R' Reuven Volf davened at Beis Yisroel, where he served as the gabbai. Additionally, he had a shul in his basement for all Shabbos tefilos every single week.
Sadly, he passed away this morning after a recent illness.
The Levaye will take place at Bhm"d Beis Yisroel on 92 Main Street at 1:00pm. Then a Levaye will take place at 2:15 in the Kiryas Yoel Beis Hachaim before Kevurah.