BDE: R’ Leib Ber Pollak, z”l
We regret to inform you of the passing of Reb Leib Ber Pollak. He was 95 years of age, and had survived the Holocaust.
R’ Leib Ber was born and raised in prewar Europe, and endured the Holocaust as a young man. He emerged from the great Churban as a fourteen-year-old boy, and found only one sister who had survived from the entire family.
With herculean strength and fortitude, he remained strong. He entered the Klausenberger Yeshiva, and he remained a Klausenberger talmid for all his life. He would divide his davening between Viznitz—of which he was an ardent chossid—and Klausenberg.
Reb Leib Ber established beautiful generations, meriting to see numerous great-great-grandchildren.
He was an admired figure within the Viznitz and Klausenberger kehillos, and he leaves behind an extraordinary legacy.
The levaya will take place at the Viznitzer Beis Medrash in Monsey, 25 Phyllis Terrace, at 6:30 this evening.
Yehi zichro baruch.