BDE: Mrs. Roiza Danziger, a”h, 95, Holocaust Survivor

Yitzy Fried
We regret to inform you of the passing of Mrs. Danziger of New Square, a matriarch of a large family.
The nifteres was born in the Polish town of Bedzin (Bendin) 95 ago. Her father, Reb Eluzer Greenbaum, was an ardent Radomsker Chossid. She and her siblings went through indescribable horrors over six years in the war—but never lost her Emunah
Arriving in Switzerland, Roiza was tempted with a dazzling, secure future—but she was ironclad in her resolve to build a yiddishe home, which she did over the coming 75 years in spectacular fashion.
She married Reb Yisroel Danziger of Hungary, and together they established a prominent Torah home. In the 1970’s, they moved to Skverer shtetl where a number of their children had settled, and here, the nifteres was fondly known to all as “Bubbe Danziger.”
This wasn’t just a title: the nifteres and her husband were legendary in their hachnosas orchim, and they gave away large sums of money to others, even when they had very little for themselves.
The nifteres leaves this world on Lag B’Omer, escorted by a lifetime of mesirus nefesh and good deeds.
The levaya will take place in front of the Skverer Beis Medrash around 2:00 this afternoon.
Yehi zichra baruch.